One of my favorite characteristics of Wayne is that he speaks direct and tells you how it is without beating around the bush. He keeps it honest all the time. He is trustworthy, genuine, always engaged, and has a strong, yet soothing presence that makes it easy ...
Couples Coaching

My name is Wayne M. Levine. I was trained as a marriage and family therapist. But early on, I decided on a different path. I wanted to focus on the individual needs of men. But as my practice began to grow, my clients began to request that I sit down with their wives or partners, as well.
One of the reasons I shied away from couples coaching was because of experiences I had as I was studying for my Masters in Clinical Psychology. In my course work, I saw videos of what some considered “state-of-the-art” couples coaching. I was appalled by the way female couples coaches emasculated men. I saw how therapists were being trained to “fix” couples by first completely ignoring or minimizing the needs of the men.
We were told by our instructors that couples therapy was designed to be a “safe place” for both partners. Men and women were instructed to trust their couples therapist to guide them toward a healthier relationship. In the process, they would be free to share all of their thoughts and feelings, free of judgment. Bullshit.
It was plain to see that couples therapy, for most men, was anything but a safe place. And over the years, I’ve heard countless stories to prove it.

Men cannot say absolutely “anything” in couples coaching and expect their women to soon forget. I use this example: imagine you’re getting into a heated conversation in a couples coaching session and a button is pushed that causes you to angrily refer to your partner in a most unflattering way (you pick your word or phrase.) How long do you think it would take for her to forget how much that hurt? That’s right, a long time…maybe never.
It’s critical for men to understand the limitations of couples coaching so that their relationships can most benefit from that work. And for men to participate in couples coaching in a way that will help them and their partners to strengthen their relationships, men also need to have a place where they actually can speak freely, without judgment, and without fear of hurting the women they love.
That’s how I began to work with couples. The men already had a relationship with me and/or the men in their groups. But I could see that they were not able to successfully apply some of the relationship lessons they were learning in our sessions. It began to make sense to invite the women in.
Although some women came in feeling uncomfortable, assuming that I would be “on the side” of their male partner, in time, they learned that I was actually quite even-handed in listening and in making suggestions. The fact was, I often came down much harder on the men because I knew what the men were up to and how they were contributing to the problems in the relationship. Essentially, because the men had a place to discover their true feelings, they were then better able to focus on the needs of their partner and relationship in the couples coaching.
Now, couples coaching doesn’t always lead to “happily ever after.” In fact, by the time couples reach out for help, they’ve usually been struggling with their problems for many years. It takes two committed partners to turn these things around. This kind of work seldom turns out well when one person is dragged into it unwillingly.
The point of couples coaching is not to do whatever it takes to keep the relationship intact. It’s about discovering the truth, working through the places where each partner is having a hard time, and then deciding together how to proceed. It’s not about coming from a place of fear and forcing a particular outcome. It’s about opening one’s heart and allowing the truth to reveal itself.

Thoroughly explore this site.
If inspired, either request a free consult or dive in with your first session.
If it feels right, trust your intuition and make your choice to work with me.
Begin your journey to discover, change, and grow into the man you want to be.

Do you believe it’s time for couples coaching?
My Words of Wisdom
Couples Coaching